The Middle East Life Center

Bringing the hope of the Gospel to the most unreached and underserved areas of the world

The Middle East health care system has been devastated by the ongoing civil wars. In one country in particular, 70% of healthcare workers fled the country as refugees. As many as 111 public hospitals and 53% of the healthcare centers were partially or completely destroyed during the war. Medical supplies are very low and difficult to obtain. Approximately 12 million people out of 20 million people are in need of health care services. Almost 83% of the population is below the poverty line.

Our innovative model:



Comprehensive Medical, Dental, and Psychological Services

Economic Empowerment

Entrepreneurship, Job Skills Training, and Mentorship

Missional Hub

Spiritual Formation, Leadership Development, and Ministry Training

We have partnered with the World Compassion Fellowship to establish “Life Centers” in areas of great need. These Life Centers will provide medical care and economic support, while fostering spiritual formation. We believe that by serving people in practical ways, we are showing the love of Christ—this results in openness to the Gospel in places that have previously been closed off from the faith. We aim to transform this community by living out Titus 3:14: “Our people must learn to do good by meeting the urgent needs of others.” (NLT)

Project Goals

Open Eyes is committed to meeting physical needs and earning the right to share the Gospel with people in need. Our ultimate goal is to see treated patients become followers of Jesus. But we also strive to love the whole person, and this means addressing some of the diseases and medical issues that are especially prevalent among children and women, such as:

  • Malnutrition
  • Tumors caused by pollution and poor water quality
  • Deformities and missing limbs
  • Deafness and speech loss due to the sounds of the bombs
  • Lack of financial ability to pay for medical treatment

Here’s Where Your Support Goes:

  • By providing medical supplies and support, we will employ a family medicine doctor and nurse at the life center, aiming to average 10 patients a day or approximately 200 patients per month.
  • By serving patients free of charge, we fulfill the immediate needs of a community that has been devastated by civil war and poverty.
  • By supplying Bibles and other Christian materials, we equip local leaders to be a light in their communities. Our partners offer prayer and Bibles to each patient — interested patients are invited to small discipleship groups at the local church.