Mobile Messengers™

Our faithful Mobile Messengers™ in South Asia & East Africa sacrifice much more than time to reach remote, Gospel-deprived communities with the Good News. Without transportation, these men and women are forced to travel many places that can be dangerous to go by foot.

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Our Mobile Messengers™ are delivering the Gospel to unreached and underserved people every day

Project Goals

Through our Mobile Messengers™ program, we identify and train leaders. We then equip them with the transportation they need to safely and effectively share the Gospel.

It costs approximately $2500 to equip a Mobile Messenger in the field.

Our goal is to commission and send 500 new Mobile Messengers™ with this project, for a fundraising total of $1,250,000.

Here’s Where Your Support Goes:

By providing local church leaders with a motorcycle, helmet, and licensing, we equip them to safely travel to remote villages that have never heard the Good News.

By offering biblical training and support, we ensure that our Mobile Messengers are prepared to effectively evangelize.

By meeting the immediate and tangible needs in a community, we pave the way for the church to flourish.

Prayerfully consider one of the following sponsorship opportunities.