Lebanon Life Center
Bringing the hope of the Gospel to the most unreached and underserved areas of the world
COVID-19 dealt a severe blow to the already fragile Lebanon. Since the start of the civil war, more than 1.5 million Syrian refugees have fled to Lebanon, which had an original population of 4 million. This small country now houses the most refugees per capita in the world. Most live in squalor, crammed in hot and unhygienic conditions. These refugees were uprooted from their work and education, leaving many without basic life skills to support themselves.
The needs are vast: social, economic, medical. The healthcare system is in crisis as providers face supply and staffing shortages. More than 60% of the population is below the poverty line. After years of conflict, growing disillusionment with the status quo has led to an increased openness to the Gospel.
We have partnered with the World Compassion Fellowship to establish “Life Centers” in areas of great need. These Life Centers will provide medical care and economic support, while fostering spiritual formation. We believe that by serving people in practical ways, we are showing the love of Christ—this results in openness to the Gospel in places that have previously been closed off from the faith. We aim to transform this community by living out Titus 3:14: “Our people must learn to do good by meeting the urgent needs of others.” (NLT)
Based on this model, the Lebanon Life Center will be a permanent and comprehensive community center, combining a medical clinic with economic empowerment programs to create a transformative missional hub.
With the support of a local church, Resurrection Church Beirut (RCB), we aim to meet two of the immediate needs in the community: medical relief and vocational training. These services provide a unique opportunity to share the Gospel and biblical principles in a practical setting.
We aim to serve marginalized and poor communities through good quality healthcare in Beirut while sharing about the Great Physician, Jesus. The clinic will staff a medical director, nurse, prayer team, and at least five physicians, which will increase access to surgery and specialty care (such as Cardiology, OBGYN, ophthalmology, and pediatrics.)
We anticipate 300-400 patients per month. Most patients will be local Lebanese who have been previously resistant to the Gospel but have become increasingly open since witnessing the good works of the local church.
The Life Center spiritual team will offer prayer, Bibles, and invitations to small group. At Open Eyes, we are committed to meeting physical needs and earning the right to share the Gospel. Our ultimate goal is to see treated patients become followers of Jesus as we strive to love the whole person, and this means addressing some of the diseases and medical issues that are especially prevalent among marginalized people.
Economic Empowerment & Missional Hub
Our goal is to open new doors for our students to flourish and succeed in both work and their personal lives. We hope to see local Christian youth become a transformative Gospel presence in the community. We will offer high-level English and Arabic language education and computer training to equip students for advanced job opportunities. In addition, students will receive character and leadership training so they leave with the soft skills necessary to thrive in the marketplace. The training classes are part of Resurrection Church Beirut’s outreach philosophy to the community: meeting both physical and spiritual needs.
We aim to enroll 50 students per semester, most of whom will be Syrian, Kurdish, Egyptian, and Iraqi refugees, as well as poorer local Lebanese. Our hope is that these students will be able to take what they have learned and teach their children to benefit future generations.
Here’s Where Your Support Goes:
By subsidizing physician fees, the cost of medication, lab, and imaging costs, we provide emergency care to those in need of life-saving support. By teaching literacy and practical life skills, we not only prepare students for career stability, but we equip them to read and understand the Gospel in their native language. By meeting the immediate and tangible needs in a community, we pave the way for the church to flourish.