
Hope Made Visible

3 billion people still
haven’t heard about Jesus.

We equip local leaders called “Mobile Messengers” with the transportation they need to reach remote and underserved communities.

The gift of a motorcycle helps the Gospel travel farther and faster as we seek to make disciples of all nations. Simion uses his new motorbike from Open Eyes to share the Good News across Kenya. And Nema transported believers to a hospital in Nepal at the height of the pandemic. We’re bringing the Gospel of hope to the 3 billion who still need to hear. And you can help.

“How can anyone preach unless they are sent? As it is written: ‘How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!'”

— Romans 10:15

When our eyes are opened to the global need, we cannot look away.

For the past decade, we have connected donors to the world’s most difficult places. Are you ready to help spread the Gospel?

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