Rooted in an unwavering dedication to proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ, our mission comes to life through both our words and transformative actions.

Meet Abrez. He is just one of the 4,000 people impacted by the Lebanon Life Center last year—and he’s one of 12 boys currently in the carpentry program, which teaches young boys an important trade.

“I was just fourteen when my family and I were forced to flee our home due to the war. Even at such a young age, I felt the danger that lurked around us and the pain of leaving our home behind. After settling in Lebanon, I was enrolled in school. But instead of feeling safe and secure, I faced a new set of problems. I was bullied, beaten, and belittled by my teachers and classmates daily, and I never knew why. I felt helpless and alone.

One day, I had enough. I ran away from school, not knowing where I would go. My father was furious when he found out and took out his anger on me, beating me mercilessly.

Then one day, things changed. My mother heard about the Life Center and registered me. It was like a dream come true, a place where I finally felt safe, loved, and accepted. I returned to school and was even taught English and Mathematics. I also learned new things…carpentry, computer skills, and even social skills. The center provided me with all the emotional support I needed and taught me how to treat others with respect, something I had never received from my own family. I am truly blessed to be part of this amazing family and can’t thank them enough for everything they’ve done for me.”

The Open Eyes Lebanon Life Center launched in 2022—your support has allowed us to work with the refugee population in Lebanon. Thank you for helping make hope visible in the Middle East!

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