The War In Ukraine: One Year Later

Open Eyes Event Recap

We had a great live event with Taras, our partner in Ukraine.
He shared about:

  • The community of hope—how we work together to provide hope through seemingly hopeless circumstances.
  • The toll on volunteers—as well as finding our limits as servants. Taras often advises volunteers to discern and focus on their specific area of ministry, rather than trying to do everything.
  • Identity —Jesus never asked anyone to abandon their identity. He did not ask Jews to cease to be Jews, Greeks to cease to be Greeks, or Romans to cease to be Romans. So He does not call Ukrainians to cease to be Ukrainians, too.
  • Dignity—for all people. As a ministry, they must work from and maintain a place of dignity for all life. It is critically important to show others—regardless of their social, political, or economic status—as much respect as possible in the name of Jesus. This transcends politics and geography.

This year, we’re doing more live virtual events so you can hear directly from the ministry partners you support on-the-ground. This live time with Taras was especially dear to us, as we reflected together on the state of ministry one year into the war.

“So then let us pursue what makes for peace…” Romans 14:19 (ESV)

If you want to see the full dialogue you can watch the full video here!

We’ll see you on our next event


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