We recently came back from Mexico where we launched 40 new Mobile Messengers!

Our first stop was Samachique, a town in the Chihuahua state of northern Mexico. We ministered among the Tarahumara people, one of the largest indigenous tribes in North America with nearly 100,000 people spread across Mexico. We drove through mountainous terrain for nearly four hours. Here, we connected with Pastor Cruz, who had a powerful testimony of perseverance. Years ago, he felt the call to serve the Tarahumara people, but when he first arrived here, he knew no one. The people didn’t trust him.

The only idea he had was to pitch a tent by the river and hope that, in time, the locals would trust him—or at least try to learn what he was doing there. Six months passed before anyone began to stop by his makeshift church. Gradually, he gained their trust and was able to share the Gospel with them, bringing transformational change to the community. Pastor Cruz’s dedication to God’s call has led to the establishment of thriving churches. He also launched three schools with dormitories that provide education and care for over 350 students. One of his students who started at the age of four is now a seminary-trained leader currently translating the Bible into the local language.

During our visit, we held a worship service where I had the privilege of sharing the Word. We commissioned 25 new Mobile Messengers. One of these pastors walked 10 hours to receive his motorcycle! We also provided food packages to 100 families who were in great need and were extremely moved by this expression of Christ’s love.

The next day, we traveled to the Efecto Mundial Church in Mexico City, where we were welcomed with open hearts and a homemade Mexican feast. We had the honor of distributing motorcycles to 15 new Mobile Messengers who serve in five different states across Mexico.

Your support is what allows us to equip these dedicated men and women of God to spread the Good News.

Did you know you can sponsor a Mobile Messenger for just $38 a month? You can help us provide a local leader with the training and support needed to take the Gospel the final mile.

Thank you for your prayers!

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