We were in Havana. And what a time we had! Together with our partners, we trained 250 local leaders and launched 30—yes, 30!—new Mobile Messengers with electric motorbikes.

Thank you for making this possible!

This small island continues to face incredible challenges: people wait in long lines for food or fuel, and many live in unthinkable conditions. Even so, the people here are at peace. Life and beauty and culture are thriving throughout this country—and the message of Jesus Christ is on the move.

We’re honored to serve in this place. The harvest here is plentiful. The workers are few. But the prayers of the faithful are filling this beautiful place.

Did you know you can sponsor a Mobile Messenger? For $38/month, you will join our Mobilizer Community and be part of the community transformation. Equip a local leader with the training and support needed to take the Gospel the final mile.

Sponsor a Mobile Messenger today!

Thank you for your prayers—please join us in lifting up Cuba this week!

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