Even in the darkness, God is with us.

Today we have an astonishing update from our partners in Ukraine.

“During the six months (March-August) our teams served hundreds of thousands of people, who received not only assistance as refugees, but were also connected to the community of hope.

10,482 people were evacuated.

4,028 people were hosted long-term.

39,465 people were transited through seminary campuses.

290,616 people received food assistance.

2,623 tons of food and basic necessities were distributed.

24,500 New Testaments and 29,000 Bibles were distributed.

I want to sincerely thank you for your prayerful and financial support.”

The children in this photo are in Dnipro, hiding in a corridor and praying as massive missile shelling descended in the middle of the night.

Lord, have mercy.

Learn more about our work in Ukraine

War is so dark, so evil. My heart breaks at this last line from our partner: “As never before, at these dreadful times, we rely on the Body of Christ that lives in countries with peaceful skies and silent nights.”

Thank you for being the hands and feet of Jesus for our brothers and sisters who face unbelievable circumstances.

In Christ,

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