Did you know Charlotte, North Carolina is a major U.S. resettlement city for refugees and immigrants? Often escaping war, persecution and other dangers, they seek a better life here in the States. Unfortunately, they often become homeless and broken. Youth are taken advantage of, and hope fades.

But God put a radical vision in the heart of a man named David Garrett who founded and launched One7 Ministries. One7 is restoring Charlotte’s inner-city from within. They put the Gospel into action. They do this through living with and serving the refugee and immigrant communities in Charlotte, NC through transitional housing, soccer, and outreach programs.

Open Eyes has had the honor of serving at One7 Ministries several times now. Our Open Eyes U.S. office has made it a priority over the last year to serve locally. Our staff and families have been so impacted through our time serving at One7.

Sydney Newell is one of the amazing staff leaders at One7 Ministries. I have personally known her since 2014. Because of our friendship, I get an inside look into what really goes on at One7. The amount of commitment, love, and sacrifice that the One7 staff offer up on a daily basis would shock so many. They give up comfort, personal space, vacations, earthly desires, and so much more to live alongside the beautiful children and families that make up the community. They serve their hearts out all day long and go to sleep exhausted each night, but also content in the work that God has called them to. They are truly making an eternal impact on the hearts and lives of those they serve. They do it with a deep humility, love, compassion, and grace. If you want to see a ministry that is the real deal from the leadership all the way down to the little tiny babies that are being cared for, a ministry that truly reflects the sacrifice, love, and grace of Jesus Christ, One7 Ministries is doing just that. Serving at One7 is such a sweet gift: heaven feels a little closer to earth every time I am present there.

We encourage you to visit one7.org and find out more and discover ways God may be calling you to get involved. One7 also needs families to sponsor children for Christmas Angel Tree. This is a great way to give this season by providing a child with Christmas gifts, who otherwise would not be able to have them. www.one7angeltree.org/sponsor

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