“May I never boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, through which the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world.” Galatians 6:14 (NIV)

This powerful verse invites us to reflect on the significance of the cross, not just as a symbol of sacrifice, but the cornerstone of our faith. It underscores the powerful redemption and transformation available to us through the sacrifice of our wonderful Savior. We have one profound thing to offer the world: the message of the cross and the love of Christ. As we approach Easter, I am reminded that there are whole communities who have never had the opportunity to hear that message.

Just as the cross has transformed our lives, we are called to be agents of transformation. Imagine the ripple effect of hope spreading through communities, hearts ignited by the story of redemption.

This Easter, as we celebrate the victory of the cross and rejoice in the Good News, let’s also remember the urgent calling to share this message of hope with the world.

Thank you for your enduring support!

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