I’m thrilled to share some exciting news: we’ve expanded our impact into the heart of Pakistan. Christians make up about 1% of the population in Pakistan. Here, our brothers and sisters face intense persecution, often being dehumanized and relegated to second-class status. This expansion represents a significant step forward in our commitment to reach the unreached in the world’s most challenging places. We are now in 17 countries!

Just last month, we successfully commissioned 20 Mobile Messengers. These local pastors and church planters are dedicated to proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus, even at the risk of their lives. I am profoundly inspired by their courage and dedication as they fearlessly accelerate the Gospel across the nation.

Please note that faces are hidden for security reasons

We urge you to join us in praying for the safety of our Mobile Messengers in Pakistan. Due to security concerns, we are unable to share photographs that reveal identities, but please know that your prayers are heard by a God who hears.

God Bless,

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