Kyiv, Ukraine: 28 February 2022: Refugees near railway station in Kyiv — Photo by Oles_Navrotskyi

The Christian leaders we’re supporting through our Ukraine Relief Fund are operating a refugee network, using churches and seminaries as literal safe-havens. Every day, we get stories and updates on a WhatsApp thread, and with permission, we are sharing these stories and photos from the ground.

In Lviv—this is one of the evacuation cars from the fighting zone that brought children to the seminary safe house. The sign says: CHILDREN.

This is a family from Mariupol with a terrible story of survival. Pictured is Olena and her disabled mother Iryna. It took them three weeks to evacuate from Mariupol to Zaporizhya through two Russian camps on the occupied territories. Now, they are safe at our refugee hub in Lviv Theological Seminary. The seminary currently hosts more than 100 long-term internally displaced people, including refugees who are paralyzed, disabled, and blind.

“Tulips among the rubbles. This yellow one, I talked to it for five minutes, asked it for forgiveness on behalf of the human beings, caressed the leaves and tulip leaves. I think I saw it smiling. I also thanked the Lord that it found its way to the LIFE in between the rubble.” — Taras

Taras (on the left) is headed from Lviv to Kyiv.

Taras sent us this video from an apartment complex in Borodyanka. As he put it: it’s just “one of the thousands after a ‘visit’ by the Russian soldiers.”

Now, they look forward. Here’s what they tell us:

“We are preparing for a new round trip to partner organizations…Most of them base their work at theological schools, which are now entirely focused on humanitarian and social service. At the same time, we believe that many seminaries will later have the opportunity to resume the educational process. Therefore, at this stage, it is imperative to protect the teachers of the seminaries and help them get through this challenging period. During the trip, I will focus on the following issues:

  1. Challenges, threats, and opportunities for social protection of seminary staff…
  2. Search for new formats of educational activities in the context of war
  3. Analysis of the need for translation and publication of new books that would meet the most critical challenges of the church…
  4. Encouraging and motivating teachers…”

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